Iā€™m an artist with a passion for the creative exploration of multiple mediums, including oil paint, photography, and various other painting techniques. My art is a reflection of my journey through life, seen through the lens of my unique experiences and feminine perspectives. Throughout my artistic career, I've been consistently drawn to the themes of memory, identity, and the impact of loss on the narrative of my life. I consider myself an observer of the world around me. I find myself dissecting shapes, colors, edges, and contours, all in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the world that surrounds us. It's this curiosity that drives me to create, to explore, and to uncover the hidden stories beneath the surface.

Portraiture has been a recurring motif in my work. I place these portraits in stark contrast to disconnected landscapes, creating a visual tension that captivates the viewer's imagination. This juxtaposition allows me to explore the interplay between the individual and the environment, shedding light on the relationship between identity and surroundings. I incorporate the innate textures of surfaces, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into my creative process.  It is profoundly satisfying allowing the surface texture to influence the direction of a piece. I've primarily worked with oil paint, which allows me to explore the tactile quality of different brush strokes, infusing my creations with a smooth sense of touch.

My journey as an artist is a constant quest for understanding. I am perpetually curious, constantly seeking answers to the "hows" and "whys" of my artistic process. Each piece I create is an exploration into the depths of my creativity, a journey unfolding as I work.

Hanging JUST outside my Studio